Misleading Data

We have been learning about the different ways that surveys can be done to collect data that is misleading.  We have also learned about how graphs can be manipulated to mislead the public.  Now, you are going to create a survey, collect data, and create a graph of the information that will mislead the public about the information you have gathered.




1. Think about an area of research you would like to find out more information about.

2. Decide how you are going to mislead the public with the information you are gathering.  This does not have to be something of any big significance!  It just means that you are going to conduct your research, or alter your graph to make the data appear in a misleading fashion.


You may choose to mislead the public by doing any of the following:

          a) Ask a survey question that is prone to bias (only provide a set number of response choices, and don't allow a choice of "other")

          b) Survey a biased sample group (sample size is too small, sample size is biased based on gender, location, etc.)

          c) Collect data from a non-representative sample group (a group that does not represent the entire population for which your survey question pertains to).

          d) Use numerical data that is misleading, but favors the point you would like to get across (remember the work we did with "Sunshine's Brilliant Bistro" and the calorie and fat data).

          e) Use the data you collected to create a graph that is misleading.


3. Copy and Complete the following Google Doc to submit your survey question and sample size to Mrs. Verlin via email (kverlin@woodlawnschool.org).  Give Mrs. Verlin rights to edit and she will make suggestions and either approve or disapprove of your question.


4. Collect your data and record it systematically using a Google Spreadsheet.  Name the spreadsheet- "Your name Misleading Data" (ex: Mrs. Verlin Misleading Data)


5. Share it with Mrs. Verlin.


6. Using either Google Spreadsheet or grid paper, create a graph to share your data.


7. Use the Google Doc to answer questions about the data that you collected.