Wiki Page Editing

There are some format rules to remember when creating a wiki page that people want to visit.  In order to get our wiki pages ready for our first portfolio viewing, we are going to "clean things up" on our wiki pages!



1. Heading

     *Should have a title that is at least 18 pt font
     *Should be centered on the page

     *Should tell the reader what page they are looking at- "Mrs. Verlin's Math Wiki Page"

     *Under the title, you need 1-3 sentences describing what your wiki page is all about.  What is the purpose of your wiki page?  This should be in a font that is smaller than your title.

     *Insert a horizontal line after your title and heading.


2. Each project should have its own title (does not need to be a large at the main title)

     *You should have a "Car Project" section, and a "Greek Mathematician Wanted" section

     *You can also have an optional "Math Jokes" section at the bottom of the page


3. Under each subheading, you should have a brief paragraph describing the project.  Make sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, and complete sentences.


4.  Anytime we add a project or work to your wiki page, be sure to maintain a similar format.



Your wiki will be graded with the following rubric:


Title- At least 18 pt font, centered, and appropriately names the page
Heading- 1-3 sentences describing what the purpose of your wiki page is
Car project & Greek Mathematician Wanted Poster sections- formatted with horizontal lines 
Brief paragraph describing each section- correct grammar, punctuation, and complete sentences
Format is correct & can be easily read and understood by the public